Monday, July 28, 2008

Ryan vs Sean - Week #12

Common theme/element: Suspense
Restrictions: Cannot parody a TV show, commercial or film.

Be sure to vote in the comments. If you have to vote 'anonymous', include your name or it won't count. Voting deadline: Wednesday night 11:59PM CST


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Unknown said...
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cwolf said...

Gotta be Ryan. The beginning to Sean's was good, but there wasn't really anything happening after that.


Anonymous said...


Ryan, there wasn't a lot of suspense in Sean's after the first minute.

DoktorPeace said...

I think Sean's suspense was a kind of meta "Will anything happen or not?" but I don't think he made me look cool enough, so...


- Harry

Anonymous said...


Sean said...

are you kidding me you guys? this week my video is EVEN BETTER than "evil faucet".

hahah. no. seriously, i spent like 45 minutes on this week's. i was busy. i will return next week with some quality programming.


Galen D'Attilio said...

Due to Sean's previous comment... and the fact that Rye smashing into the wall at the very moment that Brian turned around made milk come out my nose...


Unknown said...

Ryan. It had some great dialogue and it was good to see the old duo of Ryan and Brian back together after their horrible falling out.

Jasper!!!!! said...

Had Sean ended it with everyone looking at the sign and then it flashed "beer," and then everyone said, "oh..." followed by Sean and Harry clinking beer bottles and winking at each other, I would've voted for him. He did not end it that way. I vote for Ryan. Next week's theme suggestion, X-files.

Jasper!!!!! said...

by the way, that last comment was Tim S. not the other one.

Nicole said...

While I am not terribly impressed by either one...


- Nicole

Anonymous said...

Uh, Ryan?


Anonymous said...

I have to say Ryan had it this week, even though he failed to die in his video (which would be the mark of a truly perfect video).


P. Arty said...

Man, Sean's had so much potential. I love the music in the bar! (Who is that?) Sadly it failed so hard to deliver. Maybe that's the intent, and I just don't "get" it. I vote for Ryan.

chris said...

Minneapolis deserves better representation. Oh well, we kept Sean busy a bunch this weekend so I can only blame us and

Vote: Ryan

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Tim's suggestion for the ending to Sean's video was pure gold. Unfortunately, I can't vote for Tim, so I vote for Rye.

ANNNNNNNNND... beer! *clink*

Unknown said...

As much as I love seeing my internet pseudonymn in a film's credits in the style of Woody Allen, obviously this one was a little undercooked. I blame the breakfast burrito at Wilde Roast Cafe.

Ryan gets my vote -- I say its his best one since the Dance theme.

Ken Sykora said...

Sean's had my vote up until a minute into it. Totally un Sean-like ending.

Rye gets my vote.

E said...

ryannnnnnn. I really thought he was gonna get it, too.

(I did like the "xandu" license plate, though.)

KT and Tim! said...

favorite video of rye's so far. vote for rye.

WisconsinitePride said...

My vote is for Ryan.

Sean, did you have a stroke this week or what? You had something going in the beginning but then lost it.