Ryan WINS! 25-19
The show is drowning in debate. It has been great for ratings.
RESTRICTIONS: No words, be they spoken, written, or lyrical
We have added a new element to the show:
RESTRICTIONS. Self-explanatory.
THE OFFICIAL VOTING PERIOD IS EARLY MONDAY TO THE VERY END OF WEDNESDAY -- 11:59:59 PM. If your vote is 12:00AM, it will not count.
If your vote does not include your user name or signed name, it will not count.
If your vote is a comment on YouTube, it will not count.
VOTING ETHICSWhile superior comedy and freedom of interpretation are primary in this competition, viewers are welcome to consider all criteria when voting.
We also ask that you avoid the temptation to spite, even though it is completely allowed and occasionally irresistible.
Thanks for participating. This week had the best turn-out yet. Tell your friend(s).