Monday, June 23, 2008

Ryan vs Sean - Week #7

Common theme/element: Vegetables, Pizza and Surfer Lingo
Restrictions: minimum length: 1:45.

Be sure to vote in the comments. If you have to vote 'anonymous', include your name or it won't count. Voting deadline: Wednesday night 11:59PM CST



Anonymous said...

ryan definately


Anonymous said...

Ryan wins.

Susan Davis

P. Arty said...

Wow. This is definitely the hardest choice yet. Hmmmm.....

Galen D'Attilio said...

Sean, just for the hilarious intro to Surf and Turf.

Anonymous said...

Again...It has to be Ryan, i actually laughed out loud when I saw the pizza...


chris said...

Even though it had an awkward ending (to be continued?), Sean gets my vote. If you spoof/use the best theme song of all time (Perfect Strangers), you should automatically win. That should be one of them there rules.

Suggestion: Bronson Pinchot.

The Jewish Dream said...

Ry, you start off weak, but pull it together at the end. Sill, I gotta give it to Sean this time- The Intro won me over.

Anonymous said...

i liked them both, but i'm going with sean.


Jasper!!!!! said...'ll have to go into sudden death.

Unknown said...


Love the vocals!

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

Sean by far. Not even close.

Anonymous said...

All personal biases aside, I must got with Sean this time. Gotta love that intro. Sorry Ryan. I would really love to see Stephen Hawking's Vegetable Pizza is the freezer section of my local grocer though.

- Nicole

Unknown said...



Matt said...



Dave Perry said...

Both had pretty funny parts. I vote for sean.

Ken Sykora said...

You're all retarded. vote goes to Ryan for brilliance. Sean really threw it at the end there.

WisconsinitePride said...

Sean wins ... because 1. killer vocals on the intro song and 2. he skipped hanging out to create that gem.

P. Arty said...

Alright, I have rewatched them, and I gotta vote for Ryan.

Sean's was brilliant, especially the recurring jokes and the activities that Surf & Turf did. But Ryan's was optimally absurd and made me laugh more.

Honestly, this was a really tough decision, and I'm probably giving Ryan my vote because he's behind.

Suggestion: Recurring, non-Ryan-or-Sean characters.

Unknown said...


Sean. The cameo by Stephen Hawking was great but I can't get over the theme song in sean's

KT and Tim! said...

gotta go with sean. can't explain how hard i laughed from the perfect strangers spoof. brilliance.

suggestion: bears

Jia said...

Ryan's started off strong (I was excited when I thought it was going to be a fake science show) but I feel that he was having a hard time with the 1:45 restriction because some scenes dragged on a bit.

Sean's had more cohesion and I like the continuity with the Chief and his brother, so my vote goes to him.

Suggestion: Running out of sheep/wool

Anonymous said...

I've been faithfully keeping up with your videos all along, but the moment I heard the intro to the PS theme I knew it was the perfect time to start voting.


For the record, it's not just the theme song. I thought you did a better job of subtly incorporating the themes AND I smiled more watching it.

Anonymous said...

stephen hawking ftw


Unknown said...

I vote for sean. The intro was amazing. The suicide ending made me laugh (though I don't think many people got the joke). The poor singing was great.

The intro to Ryan's was good, but he lost me when it turned into another meta-humor video.

Unknown said...

suggestion: Action Figures

E said...

Sean. For the theme song and my emotional tie to Perfect Strangers. Sorry Ryan.

cwolf said...

I'm going with Sean.

Tim W