Monday, July 14, 2008

Ryan vs Sean - Week #10

Common theme/element: Fighting
Restrictions: No Swearing

Be sure to vote in the comments. If you have to vote 'anonymous', include your name or it won't count. Voting deadline: Wednesday night 11:59PM CST


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cwolf said...

I vote for Jake, and more indirectly Sean.

Unknown said...

Both were kind of weak. Rye's was his typical formulaic crap. Here's the formula.

1. Include lame music in a weak attempt to be funny
2. Use same old scream sound byte used in every episode
3. All about Rye

I vote Sean because if it involves fighting it should involve Jake.

Jasper!!!!! said...

I probably laughed at Sean's more, but I'm going to have to vote for Ryan.


Anonymous said...

My vote is for Sean, I loled twice.

chris said...

If the hand didn't talk at all during Ryan's, I probably would have voted for it. But since I haven't seen Shake N Jake in approximately forever and his delivery was flawless in every sense of the word, my vote goes to:


And because I haven't suggested anything in a while:

Lazy River.

Anonymous said...

I vote Sean. Points for fight scene.

Galen D'Attilio said...

Sean's was terrible, but the punch and two throws were hilarious and unexpected. Sean.

Anonymous said...



ryan's is more creative

Unknown said...


I lol'd when the drink squirted his friend in the eye.

The Hero said...

Sean's skit did not seem very creative to me at first, due to the oft use of the "that's what she said" joke, so it's easy to tune out the rest of the skit. But Jake opening the soda, Sean's reaction to it, and the fact they made fun of their previous joke, is what did it for me.

I vote for Sean.


E said...

Dates with hands generally don't end well.


Joshua Crabb said...

Vote for Sean.

Suggestion: Breakfast cereals

Unknown said...

Rye's was definitely more clever than sean's, but I laughed more at sean's.

Unknown said...

that vote was for sean btw

KT and Tim! said...

balcony throws got me. jake's acting was okay too!


P. Arty said...

Both were a slight step down from the previous weeks. Ryan's if only because it's more of the same and Sean's because it wasn't quite as intricately crafted as prior videos, such as Sherlock Holmes or Talking Cars.

However, I was quite entertained by both. I loved Ryan's punch line. However, I gotta give my vote to Sean as an opponent to the ever-spreading That's What She Said "jokes." Honestly, haven't we had enough of these yet? Maybe they'll get the idea if we all punch the tellers of TWSS "jokes" in the face when they tell these "jokes."

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Vote for Sean with extreme bias

Anonymous said...


That other guy is a hack.

-Jon Bisswurm

Unknown said...

Close call.........

I vote Ryan for his use of "Drops of Jupiter" and excellent piano playing.

Suggestion: Apple City

Anonymous said...



Ken Sykora said...

Can I vote for Sean like 100 times?


Anonymous said...

ryan's bucket of chicken

-jeffrey w

Anonymous said...




Nicole said...

I vote for Ryan, though I do love the expression on Sean's face when he discovers Boggle in his basement. Priceless.

- Nicole

Jia said...

Hahahaha. Sean.

Anonymous said...

I vote Sean.

- Sam

Anonymous said...

Ryan's video was garbage. Sean's video was slow but the dummy body replacement, a la Naked Gun, was great and sealed the deal for me.
I vote for Sean.

Anonymous said...

ryan my man.

-brian f.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't help myself. i'm voting for that one.