Ryan did this week what sean did last week. Fantastic potential and had me smiling the whole time during the dance parts, clever use of split screening or however you achieved that effect, but the dialog was just retarded at the end and what could've been a great video turned into garbage.
Well Ryan is a better filmmaker, actor, and human being than Sean in almost every quantifiable capacity, but I'm going to go with Sean this week.
I always chose Gambit when I played X-Men! Stupid Friday Night Lights guy gets to play him in the Wolverine movie...I always wished for a Gambit movie starring Christian Slater in my younger years.
Sean definitely takes this one, especially nice ending with the zoom in on the pocketed mask.... That said, who pronounces Guile as "Gwy-ly", Tim?... Sullying the name of a classic fighter like that... Not funny, not cool. just. plain. wrong.
I vote Ryan because I don't get Sean's X-Man references (although I do love Blanca's electrocution move! I always used that one and it was a highlight when I beat the 4th graders as a 3rd grader at a 4th grader grader sleepover and was the champion in our Street Fighter II tournament) and because Ryan's dance moves were wicked, and the Hercules song was tiiiiiiight. Ryan. Also, since I hung out with
Sean in person a couple weekends ago, I decided I hate him. Sorry, Sean.
sorry it took me so long to catch on (there were several votes ryan deserved). sean--were you shooting behind wisconsin hills? why are you in brookfield?!
My vote is for sean.
My name is Alex.
Alex Schaefer
Sean definitely gets the vote this time.
Tim W
And Jake is most definitely the red ninja.
Going from the first 20 seconds I would've chosen Ryan's, but his peters out a bit while Sean's ramps up, so...
- Harry
Sean, mos def.
My vote is for Sean.
Tim S.
Ryan did this week what sean did last week. Fantastic potential and had me smiling the whole time during the dance parts, clever use of split screening or however you achieved that effect, but the dialog was just retarded at the end and what could've been a great video turned into garbage.
Sean gets my vote.
Well Ryan is a better filmmaker, actor, and human being than Sean in almost every quantifiable capacity, but I'm going to go with Sean this week.
I always chose Gambit when I played X-Men! Stupid Friday Night Lights guy gets to play him in the Wolverine movie...I always wished for a Gambit movie starring Christian Slater in my younger years.
The world need more Street Fighter references. The first time I saw Sean's video, I was in shock....so Sean.
I loved the xmen and the street fighter. I also loved seeing ryan getting punched in the face. Ryan has no super powers. My vote is for Sean.
sorry bro gotta vote for sean this week
This will not be unanimous!
My vote goes to Ryan.
My vote is for Sean ... namely because of Tim's spot on Cyclops impression.
RYAN!! of ryan vs sean
Whomever voted last--
You must sign your name or it won't count. Voting rules.
Thanks, though.
Sean's had more story and I enjoyed the opening shot of his "normal weekend at the park" throwing cards everywhere. I vote for sean
Sean definitely takes this one, especially nice ending with the zoom in on the pocketed mask.... That said, who pronounces Guile as "Gwy-ly", Tim?... Sullying the name of a classic fighter like that... Not funny, not cool. just. plain. wrong.
didn't sign my name on to the directly above, Casey votes for Sean
I vote Ryan because I don't get Sean's X-Man references (although I do love Blanca's electrocution move! I always used that one and it was a highlight when I beat the 4th graders as a 3rd grader at a 4th grader grader sleepover and was the champion in our Street Fighter II tournament) and because Ryan's dance moves were wicked, and the Hercules song was tiiiiiiight. Ryan. Also, since I hung out with
Sean in person a couple weekends
ago, I decided I hate him. Sorry, Sean.
Suggestion: Film noir
Vote for Ryan
I loved the part where Jack mocks Terry's dancing.
"RYAN!! of ryan vs sean"
- jenny
sorry it took me so long to catch on (there were several votes ryan deserved). sean--were you shooting behind wisconsin hills? why are you in brookfield?!
Vote for Sean
Suggestion: Surrealism
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