Monday, August 18, 2008

Ryan vs Sean - Week #15

Common theme/element: Open.
Restrictions: Keep it under 30 seconds. Brevity = Comedy.

Be sure to vote in the comments. If you have to vote 'anonymous', include your name or it won't count. Voting deadline: Wednesday night 11:59PM CST


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Unknown said...

Rye. Easy mode.

Ken Sykora said...

Rye. Not even a little bit of fight from Sean this week.

Unknown said...

Ryan, the cinematography was incredibly moving.

Anonymous said...

Ryan. Booya!

Anonymous said...



loved the look in Ryan's eyes behind the newspaper. Also, Kate did some comical flying off the stairs. Loved that! Good job!

Unknown said...

Sean, mainly because I already felt bad from seeing "Funny Games" this weekend and murdering your girlfriend because she has AIDS is a very Funny Games-like thing to do.

Jasper!!!!! said...

ugh....really Sean, do I have to vote for Ryan? You know what? I'm not going to...I'm voting for KATE DAWE! (said like Schwei)

Tim S.

Ken Sykora said...

Tim cops out of an honest evaluation. Terrible.

WisconsinitePride said...

I vote for AIDS ... and therefore Ryan

Anonymous said...

I vote for Ryan. Up to the AIDS part it was funny, the end was a little weak. Sean was pretty weak over all.


Anonymous said...

Both were very entertaining. Sean had me laughing out loud. However, based off of shock value I have to go with "Down Came the Rain." The AIDS thing...That's all I have to say.

P. Arty said...

I like the recurring image of Ryan dragging that girl's body to the dumpster and the abrupt ending, so I vote for Ryan.

KT and Tim! said...

Whoa, Rye gets my vote this week. Although the squinty eyes in sean's were priceless.

katzd said...

I'm going with Ryan!

DoktorPeace said...

I didn't vote early cuz I hung out with these guys last night and didn't want to get beaten up.

Sean beat me up.

Vote: Ryan
Voter: Harry

Galen D'Attilio said...

I dunno, Sean's was hilarious, but Rye's originality is slowly disappearing since he does close to the same style for every video. Also he already did the dragging dead girl to the dumpster thing, which is so passé.

I still vote for Rye however, due to the AIDS result on a pregnancy test.

Vote: Rye

chris said...

Vote: SEAN!

Me no laughy at woman killing. Me laughy at TV theme songs from my youth!

Anonymous said...

Both videos were horrible. Shame shame. Ryan, AIDS is not funny. Sean, your idea was good but it could have been better executed. But if I really have to pick one, I'll go with Ryan's.

Here's hoping for a better effort next week. Don't worry, I still love both of you (even though I've never met Sean).

- Nicole

E said...

Uhhh, I couldn't really decide. Ryan's had an quick story, punchline and cinematography! But Sean's simple approach was silly (in a good way) and AFHV is one of my favorite TV theme songs! So I flipped a coin. Best out of 3 went to Ryan. Sorry for the lame vote.