Monday, June 30, 2008

Ryan vs Sean - Week #8

Common theme/element: Open, anything goes
Restrictions: Neither Ryan nor Sean can appear in their own video. This includes voice-overs and pictures. They can only write, direct and edit.

Be sure to vote in the comments. If you have to vote 'anonymous', include your name or it won't count. Voting deadline: Wednesday night 11:59PM CST


By the way, it was a coincidence we both parodied the same show. An eerie coincidence..

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WisconsinitePride said...

SEAN for many reasons.

1. Dave is 90x bigger than that exercise bike

2. I am in childs clothing

3. Tims green scarf

4. Dave looks like hes jerking off while foaming at the mouth

5. The mogwai costume gave me a serious wedgie.

6. Sean's creative vision

7. Talking cows.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That was some terrible competition. Although I died from poisonous milk, I will vote for Sean's video from the grave.


Food Hour said...

Gosh. I knew I should have used that knowledge of green screen technology I don't have.

HeRe We Go AgAiN!

Jasper!!!!! said...

I'll vote Sean.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

These were both excellent this week. Despite the blatant plagarism of Ryan by Sean, my vote goes to Sean because of the well-executed references, superb ending and Dave foaming at the mouth.

E said...

HAHAHAHHAAA, WHAT?!!? Ryan = win.

And also, excuse me, Scott Stapp?? Despite the fact that I have a permanent unrequest for Creed songs, I surprisingly found it to be largely amusing.

Unknown said...

Sean due to the continuing theme of talking _____ (fill-in-the blank). That and you will always lose points for referencing Creed.

cwolf said...

Sean is the winner for me.

Tim W

Anonymous said...

I'll go with Sean.


Galen D'Attilio said...


As for Rye... wow, that was awful.

KT and Tim! said...


chris said...

Ryan for using what seemed like the Twin Peaks backwards-talking technique. I can't believe you both did a Storylords-themed video on accident. Ridiculous

Ken Sykora said...

sean for one billion percent brilliance.

Anonymous said...


- Jessa

Anonymous said...


- Allison Pack

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ryan's was amazing, and also amazingly racist

i liked the girl talk rap

sean your use of mogwai was cool. employing friends to pad your vote count is shameful

i vote for ryan


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't see how Sean having friends in his video is shameful. The rules for this round said Sean couldn't be in his own video. So does that mean he needs to use pre-existing material? Should he just film random people and hope that they do what he wants? I think your lack of ability to critically analyze the rules is shameful.
-SHAME, without love, SHAME, I can't get enough, SHAME, I like it rough, cause I'd rather feel shame than nothing at all. (Dave)

Anonymous said...

damnit dave these comments are for voting

lets take it to fighting irl... meet me at mcdonalds


Anonymous said...

Sean. cool bike.

P. Arty said...

I vote for Sean.

Anonymous said...

i vote for sean...strongly because of tim's giant floating head. and his love for lotion.


Nicole said...

I vote Sean. Ryan loses because he incorporated Scott Stapp.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Sean.... because I've never seen anyone hotter than Sam in that dress. Rawr!


Jia said...

Oh man, best videos yet this week. I watched Ryan's first and I thought for sure I would vote for him but then Sean's was kind of amazing-er.

So Sean.